Cloverdale Building Supplies
Cloverdale Building Supplies
Shop-Vac 9067200 Filter Bag, 10 to 22 gal Capacity

Shop-vac 9067200 Filter Bag, 10 To 22 Gal Capacity

SKU #6989412

UPC #026282906724

Shop Vac

Regular Price
$22.49 PK

Subject to availability and seasonality from suppliers. If we cannot get it, you will be notified and refunded.
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Shop-Vac High efficiency disposable filter bags are ideal for picking up fine dust, such as, drywall dust, cement dust and cold ashes. They are easy to use and install. The bags keep your tank clean and makes cleanup a breeze. Simply, remove the bag from the tank inlet and throw it in the trash, two bags are included in a pack. Fits standard 10 to 14 gal vacs with the inlet located on the tank, for dry pickup only, non-hazardous, non-toxic, non-flammable materials only.