This industry leading nails are designed and manufactured to match the specs of Paslode nailer so your nailer will run smoothly, with fewer misfires and jams while driving flush, even into the toughest materials. 2-3/8 in. lengthDrives flush even into the hardest woods, even LVLHot dipped galvanized plus nails offer premium corrosion protectionApproved for use in all pressure treated lumber such as ACQ and MCQPolymer coating on nail head reduces staining and streaking by 80 percent compared to traditional hot dipped galvanized nailsIRC R319.3 code approved for use in pressure treated lumber in accordance with ASTM A 153Independently proven leader in galvanized fasteningPremium corrosion protection and reduced streaking in all pressure treated lumberDesigned for non-stop nailingFewer jams, less misfires